ISO 5488.pdf
What is ISO 5488:2015 and why is it important for ships?
ISO 5488:2015 is an international standard that specifies the requirements and the method of test for accommodation ladders used on merchant ships (excluding passenger ships) to enable crew and pilots to embark and disembark safely. Accommodation ladders are movable stairs that are attached to the side of a ship and can be lowered or raised as needed. They are essential for the safety and convenience of the people on board, especially in rough weather or emergency situations.
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This standard was first published in 1979 and was revised in 2015 to reflect the latest technological developments and best practices in the industry. It covers two types of accommodation ladders: revolving-platform ladders and fixed-platform ladders. It also defines the terms and dimensions of the ladders, such as nominal length, design length, width, handrail height, distance between steps, and distance between stanchions. It also provides guidelines for the manufacture, installation, inspection, maintenance, and marking of the ladders.
By following this standard, ship owners, operators, designers, manufacturers, and regulators can ensure that the accommodation ladders are safe, reliable, durable, and easy to use. This can help prevent accidents, injuries, or fatalities that may occur due to faulty or inadequate ladders. It can also enhance the efficiency and performance of the ship operations and improve the satisfaction and comfort of the crew and pilots. Moreover, it can facilitate the international trade and cooperation among different countries and regions by harmonizing the technical specifications and quality requirements of the ladders.
If you want to learn more about this standard or purchase a copy of it, you can visit the official website of ISO or contact your national standards body. You can also download a preview of the standard from this link.
[1] ISO 5488:2015 (en), Ships and marine technology Accommodation ladders
[2] Accommodation ladder - Wikipedia
[3] ISO 5488:2015 - Ships and marine technology Accommodation ladders
[4] Why are standards important? - ISO
[5] ISO - International Organization for Standardization
[6] INTERNATIONAL ISO This is a preview of ISO 5488:2015. Click here to purchase the full version from the ANSI store.